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About Me
Experience Design
Mevlevi music’s European journey
Exploring the Potential of Archetypal Literary Social Networks (ALSN)
C.G. Jung & Archetypes Series (2021)
What Jung Really Said?
Are Archetypes Real?
Who Came Up With Archetype and Why?
What is Jungian Shadow?
Parallels Between Zen Sages & NasreddinHodja (2020)
National Storytelling congress UHAK (2019)
Patterns of Workspaces (2006)
3D Reconstruction of Celsus Lib. Ephesus (2001)
Cultural Stuff
Mathnawi Text mining / SNA (2023)
Electromagnetic Orchestra Without Borders (2020)
Monad Art Documentary (2018)
ANSOO : Tune of Reunion (2020)
Ghostly Imprints Morocco (2012)
Athletes of Yoff Beach (2009)
3D Reconstruction of Celsus Library, Ephesus (2001)
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